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Not winning your bids? 3 tips to get you across the line

Struggling to win bids? Discover our three game changing tips to boost your success rate. From professional bid design to outsourcing and infographics, transform your approach and stand out from the crowd.

1. Get your bid designed by a professional bid designer.

Getting your documents to read well and look great can take time and resources you simply don’t have in-house. Transform your run-of-the-mill material into stunning, professional-looking bid documents that stand out from your competition.

2. Get a fresh pair of eyes, outsource.

While technical detail is always an important part of a bid, unless you have a professional communicator on staff, you should always consider how an outside resource could help you. An outsider can add a fresh-eyes perspective that will increase your chances of winning.

3. Include infographics in your bid.

We live, work and do business in a world that is saturated with messages. The only way to get your message across is to make sure your audience is fully engaged to begin with. The best way to do that? Keep it snappy. Infographics are a quick and efficient way of combining design and text to tell a story that will get you heard.

Get in touch to discuss how we can improve your tender documents today.

or call 021 760 498


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